Delicious in Dungeon Review

Hello Readers,
Once again, I think I am a little late to the part as Delicious in Dungeon released on Netflix back in January and I’ve only just watched it. I am using a poster image I have found through google I do not own any rights and am using the image for review purposes (Fair use under the copyright act sections 29 and 30 under use for a review).

Delicious in Dungeon takes the classic tale of adventurers exploring a dungeon and turns the concept on its head. There are a lot of DnD inspired series and films out there, but I think this is one of the unique takes I’ve seen. what is this unique take I hear you ask well if you’ve played DnD and lost your item bag this series is for you (Sorry to all the DM out there).
After failing to defeat the dragon on their quest to raid the dungeon, Laios (human swordsman), Chilchuck (halfling locksmith), and Marcille (elven spellcaster) must restart their journey from the very beginning of dungeon. They’re mission is to rescue Laios’ sister Falin from the belly of the dragon before she’s fully digested.
Our adventures are so broke after there last expedition into the dungeon they can’t afford food. Laios just happened to have a dungeon guide that lets him know what’s technically edible but not the best way to cook them. That’s when our trio meet a dwarf named Senshi, who suggests they try something he’s been doing for years. The adventuring party needs to start eating monsters. Some of the food that is prepared actually looks really good and I think I would try it if I was in their position.
the story is a fun fantasy cooking show full of comedy and familiar characters. However, as our party gets deeper into the dungeon, the lore builds on itself to be so much more than that. I love the take that this dungeon isn’t just there to be plundered and bested but to be maintained and conserved.
For me as much as I loved the depth of the story it’s the characters are what made me fall in love with Delicious in Dungeon, as they are incredibly well throughout and developed. Characters shouldn’t be perfect they need to have flaws to build their arcs. The characters in this series might not always make the right choices, which can have consequences for the story and their relationships in the group. It just made me love them a little bit more.

I can’t wait to watch series two.

L x
