My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix Review

Hello Readers,

I recently rewatched the film and just had to reread the book. This was the first book I ever read by Grady, and I read it before I even thought about creating READ’s. I have tried to review it before, but I always end up just typing out I love this book please buy it. Third times the charm.

I love reading Grady’s books and I find them hard to put down and I can happily binge read them in one sitting. I know Grady Hendrix isn’t just for the spooky season, but this year it was a Summerween reread.
This book absolutely destroyed me and once again I loved every second of it. Will I possibly forget this by the time it comes to spooky reads and reread it of course I’m going to.  For me, this reread showed that this book is without question a powerhouse of a read. It was witty, funny, intense. The story just pulled me in right away and I couldn’t put it down.
It's a supernatural horror story, the demonic/occult action has a slow build up as Grady weaves in how the demonic force took over the character, Gretchen. It seems subtle at first but by the time it comes to the last third of the book Grady is relentless as he drives the story home without mercy. A slow build up in this instance isn’t a bad thing as Grady delivers on the ending and with his execution.
I love that this book is set in the early 80's so there is a lot of references. Everything from UB40, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Madonna, and metal bands are all referenced. If we just ignore the horror for a minute, I feel that this book is a great coming-of-age story as this book shows a lot about friendships than you would think given its title. This book shows the power of friendship and just dealing with everything that tends to happen in those later school years.
This is a great summerween book and really hit the spot despite rereading it after I rewatched the film.
L x
