Hello Readers,
While recovering from my last reaction I thought I would
rewatch season one of Interview with the Vampire. I read books 1-10 of The
Vampire Chronicles in my late teens (insert full break down realising how old I
am) as I loved the film as a teenager and thought I should read the source
material. I have no copyrights to the poster image below (Fair use under the
copyright act sections 29 and 30 under use for a review).

I wrote a post back in
October 2022 of all the hopes I had
for this series as it hadn’t aired in the UK yet and the first series was
everything I hoped for. Spoiler alert for key plot points but at the same time
the first four books are older than me and I was one when the film came out.
I really didn’t mind the changes they made when they
brought this adaption to life for the series. By moving the story's action
forward in time and having Lestat and Louis' initial meeting in 1910 instead of
1791 worked really well with the path that they have taken. It opens the door
for the story and character to be slightly updated as New Orleans was a very
different place in the 119-year time difference between Rice's novel and the
AMC retelling.
I think they made
the right choice in aging up Claudia for the series. In the book she is turned
at 5 years old in the movies she played by twelve-year-old Kirsten Dunst. In
the series she is played by Bailey Bass as 14 years old. At my age of 31 I
think been stuck in my 14-year-old body would be a worse fate as the hormone
had kicked in and I was stuck in that awkward puberty staged I couldn’t imagine
being stuck in that mind set for eternity. Aging up the role also makes sense
due to the sexual and violent demands of the role.
I loved Jacob
Anderson’s portrayal of Louis de Pointe du Lac, but I am here for Sam Reid as
Lestat de Lioncourt, and I can’t wait to become a The Vampire Lestat groupie. I
love the development of Daniel Molloy no offence to Anne’s writing, but I
prefer on screen Daniel as he is more than a prop.
I glad rewatched season one before jumping into season
two they flowed into each other really well.
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