Accidental Dragons by Astor Y Teller Review (Gifted/AD)

Hello Readers,

Thank you, Astor, for reaching out and sending me an eBook copy of Accidental Dragons for free in exchange for honest review. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. This is the second book in the series you can read my review of Them Old Bones here.

Title: Accidental Dragons
Author: Astor Y Teller
Pages: 235
Cover Image:

With Donnowan’s expedition lost to a dragon, Miriam Huckerpucker gathers a ragtag band of undeads and sets off to the fringes of the known world to rescue the remnants. And also find the true villain behind the dragon attacks and why dragons suddenly appeared in this world.

Could the villain be the same one who makes old and new enemies show up on the road? Like the old hag who comes haunting from her past or the new hag who comes hunting her in the present?
Miriam doesn’t have time to ponder as she hurries along, but with painted barbarians, disfigured corpses and wanted criminals by her side she has to stay clear of the main roads, losing valuable time side-tracking through the wilderness.

But it is the same wilderness that Donnowan’s expedition travelled through. On her way she stumbles on vital clues and learns an odd thing or two. Like accidents happen. And dragons too, apparently.

Miniature Review
Once again I thoroughly loved jumping back into the world Astor has created. One of my favourite things from book one was the magic system, and I still adore the word salad spell casting.
This was another quick read but I’m glad I waited so I didn’t have allergy brain why reading it as I think it would have been a completely different experience if I hadn’t of waited. To quote myself from my review of book one I have seen another review comparing the humour in this series to the discworld series and I get it. The humour is in the same vein and its executed similarly.
I was so excited to jump back into this world as Astor has promised me Dragons. I mean who doesn’t like dragons mixed with a bit of dark humour. One thing I do wish is that I read book one and two straight after each other as I feel they would seamlessly flow in to each other.
Miriam Huckerpucker is off to search for the dragons and to see if Donnowan is dead or alive? So, Miriam leads her merry band of the undead to find out what's happened to a previous group of explorers. I love her crazy group of companions and the growth they had from book one you can’t help but get attached to them. I loved Miriam in the first book and her growth during this book a real joy to witness.

I cant wait to read the next book in the series.

 L x
