Roll for TBR

Hello Readers,

I was doom scrolling on TikTok the other day and I rediscovered my love for Adventures in Aardia aka Roll for Sandwich and thought what a fun way to help clear my TBR pile. I know it’s not quite Roll for Sandwich levels of excitement and direct copy, but it was the inspiration behind my idea. I love D&D and books so why not combine them together.
Like so many book lovers I am slightly overwhelmed by my TBR pile, and I need to gain some control over it. My TBR goes across multiple platforms I have a stack on my bookcase, an Excel sheet, a notebook, my goodreads TBR and a list on my phone. Its pure organised chaos Reader. I am going to throw everything onto Excel and moved books over onto the roll sheet.
The list I’ve compiled has 9 eBooks and 9 physical books that have been stuck on the TBR pile. A nat 1 will take me the series sheet where there are currently 6 books and a nat 20 will be a reread list that I’ve been trying to get back to.

I cant wait to do my first Roll for TBR
