Pandora's Jar by Natalie Haynes Review

Hello Readers,
This is the first book I have read by Natalie Haynes, and it will not be the last dear Reader. I will admit dear Reader I listened to the audiobook of this on Spotify using the free audiobook hours you get allocated a month. I loved that Natalie narrated the audiobook as you could tell how passionate she was telling this story and it’s hard to not get as excited. In fact, I loved the audiobook that much that I went out and got a physical copy.
Pandora’s Jar tells us the story of the women in Greek myths who are often misunderstood or misrepresented and how their roles have changed over the years and how their stories have changed though modern interpretations. Each woman gets her own chapter, but many others get mentioned due to the cross overs between their stories. I thought I knew my Greek Myth not enough to give a whole lecture but enough to pass by, but I learnt so much in this book.
Natalie starts with telling us the most popular version of the myth and then goes back to the earliest available versions of these stories. As Natalie discusses versions of the myths and how they changed overtime, she also brings up how those changes reflect the dynamics in our society at the time. Natalie also shares her depth of knowledge as she analyses the different kinds of media that mentions the women from Greek myths.
Natalie gave a lot of interesting insights and was just funny at points. Natalie referenced Jason and the Argonauts and The Clash of the Titans, and I will say it is true it is mandatory viewing every British bank holiday. My little black heart couldn’t take the nostalgia at the mention of Bubo the owl. 
We are back talking about my favourite Gorgon. It wasn’t until this book that I really thought about if Athena did the “Right” thing turning Medusa into a Gorgon. Did Athena do this horrific thing to Medusa so no man could ever hurt her again but then I remember she gave Perseus her mirror shields to use so he didn’t turn to stone… even with this fact I do keep debating the ifs, buts and what ifs. Natalie gave Medusa a long chapter and discussed the many alternate Medusa portrayals, through history.
I honestly can’t wait to read more of Natalie’s work.
